26th September 2022

National Inclusion Week 2022 : 26 September - 2 October

National Inclusion Week (NIW) is a week dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces. Founded by Inclusive Employers, National Inclusion Week is now in its 10th year. For National Inclusion Week 2022 we want to progress that unity to become action, which is why this year’s National Inclusion Week theme is ‘Time to Act: The Power of Now’.

We are promoting NIW 2022 across DCHS with the support of our Staff Networks, we are using this week to promote and raise awareness about the work they are doing. Find out more about National Inclusion Week 2022 | Inclusive Employers.

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff network

The Black, Asian and Minority Staff Network have worked with colleagues across Derbyshire to develop a range of joint events that will be taking place during Black History Month (BHM). 1 – 31 October 2022.

During Inclusion Week, provides a great opportunity to start promoting the events that will be taking place during October, more information will follow over the next few weeks. Contact ismaa.ramzan@nhs.net for more information.

BHM 1 – 31 October 2022

Week and  Theme


Week 1 – Education: What is Black History Month and why do we celebrate it

Speakers Ceceile from Black Lives Matter

Information on what is Black History Month

Leadership conference - A Just and Restorative Culture (4th October, Amanda Oates, Dr Eden Charles)

Week 2 - Health and Wellness/Health Inequalities

Health information for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities on:

  • Menopause
  • Maternal health
  • Sickle Cell
  • Mental health awareness

A talk from a psychiatrist on mental health in Black communities

Sharing any information on health inequalities

Week 3 – Freedom to Speak Up

Video on joint conversation with FTSU Guardian  our motto for this week is ‘if we don’t know we can’t change’

21 October (show Racism the Red Card)

Understanding and Talking about race sessions’

Week 4 – Celebration & continuing the conversation

Be the change you want to see.

Promote staff networks -  what can it do to support its members

Examples of successes - DAL courses

Promote 2022 Staff survey- to help shape DCHS


Armed Forces Staff Network - Military webinar

The Armed Forces are hosting a Webinar that will be taking place on Wednesday 28 September 2022. There are two sessions am and pm. We have a few places left if you are interested, please contact Christine Duffy Chair of the Armed Forces Staff Network on christine.duffy@nhs.net or the EDI team on : DCHST.Equality@nhs.net

The webinar will be delivered by Mick Fleming is ex-Army and was the Recovery Manager at the Help 4 Heroes recovery centre Catterick before its closure, so is a very experienced and knowledgeable colleague.

LGBT+ staff network

The LGBT staff network are keen that we all understand the right language, we should be using when interacting with colleagues and patients who identify as LGBT+ please follow the link to find out more. Contact tracey.brailsford@nhs.net for more information about LGTB+ language or the staff network.

Disability and Long-Term Conditions staff network

DCHS has a Disability and Long-Term Conditions (D&LTC) staff network, which is open as a safe space and source of peer support particularly for colleagues with a disability and health condition. To find out more, please email dchst.dltc@nhs.net.

Reasonable Adjustments Passport

Reasonable Adjustments Passport is available to DCHS colleagues in need of reasonable adjustments. The passport is a confidential agreement between DCHS and the Employee and can include the individual employee’s disability or health condition, medication and implications. When completing the passport, the manager should consider recommendations made by the Occupation Health Services, the employee’s GP and other specialists, which may include flexible working hours, time off to attend hospital appointments, office equipment support, assistive technology, etc. Here are links for further information Reasonable Adjustments Passport and Reasonable Adjustments Passport Managers Guide.

Neurodiversity Working Group

There is also a Neurodiversity Working Group (now a subgroup of the D&LTC Staff Network), which deliberates on making DCHS a neurodiversity-friendly/inclusive workplace for colleagues with dyslexia or neurodivergent conditions.  To find out more, email dchst.equality@nhs.net.

Finally, have you updated your equality and diversity information on ESR?

Colleagues are encouraged to share or update their basic equality and diversity information on ESR, this helps DCHS build an accurate picture of its workforce’s demographics and identify areas of underrepresentation across the organisation and work to improve this.  There is very limited access to this information as we have and information is confidential. This means that where a legal basis for using your personal or confidential information does not exist, we will not do so.  For further details or support, email dchst.equality@nhs.net.