About us
The community Cardiac Rehabilitation service offers a programme of exercise and information to patients who have had cardiac surgery, stents, heart attack, heart failure, angina and those with pacemakers or implantable defibrillators. Whether you have long term conditions such as osteoarthritis or chronic breathing problems the programme will adapt exercises to suit your individual needs under the supervision of cardiac specialist nurses and exercise practitioners.
Exercise is known to reduce many of the risk factors for heart disease and reduces death by 26% over three years.
Cardiac Rehabilitation helps people to....
- Regain your ability to take part in activities you enjoy
- Reduce symptoms of angina
- Improve fitness and breathing
- Know what exercises you can do and at what level
- Improve blood pressure
- Improve knowledge of heart disease and your heart condition
- Maintain a healthy weight
If you would like to be referred to this service your health practitioner or GP can fill out a referral form and fax, email or post it to the team.
Alternatively refer yourself by calling 01246 253061
For all patients who complete a Cardiac Rehabilitation programme we refer directly onto an appropriate maintenance exercise programme in their local area.
The British Heart Foundation website is very helpful for patients, carers and other health care professionals. All resources can be downloaded or ordered for free.
Active Derbyshire is a county wide campaign to encourage and support people to become more active by providing you with the information of what activities, classes and clubs are in your area.