Speech and language therapy service referral form  Adult Community

CARE HOMES: Please DO NOT use this form. Use the Care Home referral form instead.

Please do not print off this form.

Fill in all fields and click 'Submit' at the bottom.

If important information is missing, we may need to contact you before we can accept the referral.

If you need help, please ring us on 0115 9512433.

Patient Location

Please tell us where the patient is now, to help us forward the referral to the right team.


Patient's details


Patient contact details

Next of Kin (NoK)

Please supply details of the patient's next of kin, if applicable.

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) for health and wellbeing

Please enter detail of person holding LPA if applicable. You MUST email dchst.SLTcentralreg@nhs.net with:
  • the patient's name and DOB
  • copies of court documents confirming LPA. 

Patient consent to referral


Medical details

Appointment arrangements

Reason for referral


If you have concerns about communication:

If you have concerns about eating, drinking, swallowing:

Referrer details

Referrer work address

About the patient

Referrer: please ask the patient these questions if possible and complete the form, or support them to complete the questions themselves. Please do not assume answers based on the patient's presentation - always ask.

  • We want to find out about the patient, so we care for them in the most helpful way. Their answers will also help us to plan our services better.
  • If you want to know more about why we ask these questions, please ask us for a leaflet.
  • You do not have to answer all the questions, but if you do, this will help us to meet the patient's needs more easily.
  • We will keep this information confidential.​​​​

If the patient is a carer, provide them with the following information:
Support for carers can be found here:  www.carersinderbyshire.org.uk.  If you need help accessing this information please ask.
Derbyshire Carers Association 01773 833833